In the vast workshop, the perfectly qualified boilermaking team carries out any part or ensemble in machine welding, from tubular chassis to specific parts. Having all the tools and mastering the most used materials in competition such as steel (25CD4S, 15CDV6 …), stainless steel, aluminum, alloy. We realize all constructions for high precision ensemble, shaping, rolling, folding and welding.

We carry out all construction by: o Guillotining o Sawing o Folding o Bending o Perforating o TIG & MIG welding o Machining
Occupying 400 m², the boilermaking workshop has the following means:
o 1 Bombled shear 2000 X 5mm o 1 Bombled manual folding machine o 1 AMADA 80 ton digital folding machine o 1 profile saw o 1 MINGORI bending machine o 1 perforating machine o 1 tank o 1 cazeneuve HB500 tower o 1 milling machine … o 1 Marble 5000 X 2200 o 1 marble 6000 X 4000 with “CMA” measuring arm o 1 Sigmund 2000 x 1200 welded marble o 2 TIG welding stations … o 2 MIG welding stations o 1 sandblaster 1000 X 600 X 800 o 1 painting booth 3000 X 2000 X 2000